Group Mentorship
Service Description
Do any of these sound like you right now? I am frustrated with where I am at career-wise right now I feel I could do more, be more, or be better at what I do I want to do something different but don’t know what yet I feel over-whelmed with the scale of change I am seeking I either to have my own business or I am working for an employer and i have a side hustle but i know nothing about business A Mentor can help professionals achieve their career goals, master work-life balance and ultimately lead a more fulfilled life. Comma Convos is a group mentorship for current/aspiring business owners looking to educate themselves on business knowledge as well as gain personal wealth tips. Comma Convos serves as a private hub to ask questions, share affirmations and obtain wisdom and will assist you in building wealth and leveraging capital! Tips on successfully reaching unlimited income by starting/growing your own business. If you are starting out or just stuck in your business this group mentorship is for you! Join now...
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Located on the 2nd floor 7313 Downman Road, New Orleans, LA, USA